How to Decide Investing?
Investing is for everyone and easy. But when should you start investing? Financial Freedom to Kids blog shares with you the way of thinking for how to decide investing.
Do you remember we were saying:
Investing is for everyone even for teenagers with tiny small amounts.
Investing can be learned with adequate effort and focus.
Investing is not about being genius or mathematician.
Every individual can invest!
in Start to Give Investing Mindset to Youngers post. Yes, that simple! Investing is for everyone and easy. But when should you start investing? Let’s follow very simple algorithm and decide with this crazy simple way!
When should you start investing?
Mindset is very important when starting and making investments. Misperceptions and lack of knowledge can lead us to a wrong investment strategy. A perspective on preserving and magnifying the value of assets, regardless of size or quantity, can be a beneficial approach for ourselves and our children.
I am 40 years old and I invest since 5 years. Why? To late start? I have few reasons and most important part is I never think about past. I focus moment and future.
I sketched a very basic and simple algorithm for you. You can share with your kids in proper age for their approach and planning.
Decide when to start investing with this simple algorithm!
Well, start!
Ask your self if you have any debt.
If yes, then focus on paying debts and finish them.
If no, then as yourself if you have an Emergency Fund.
You can revisit What is Emergency Fund? post and remember the concept.
If no, then define your emergencies and save money to build an emergency fund.
‼️ Financial Freedom to Kids account never gives investment advice!
✅ But shares with you the way of thinking and deciding. This mindset and deciding algorithm will also be role model for your kids!
In this step do your own research and define proper investment options for you by taking your risk appetite into account.
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